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Guías de personas usuarias: Undergraduate students

Guía que recoge toda la información de interés según el tipo de persona usuarias de la Biblioteca/CRAI

Logo de la Biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Servicio de Formación e Información bibliográfica 

Welcome to the Library

The Library’s mission is to provide services and offer high quality information resources to meet the needs of its users. In this way, it collaborates in the processes of knowledge management and dissemination, thus contributing to the complete education of individuals and achievement of the University’s goals.


Image of the self-checkout machines of the Library/CRAI

Lending: up to 7 documents.

Self-service machines to borrow and return books. Use your username and password.  

At the helpdesk you have to identify with an official document or the university card.

Steps to follow to access to My account from the Eureka menu

Log in to "Mi cuenta" with your username and password.

Reserve a book, renew your loans, check your library loans, safe your searches, modify your contact details.

Image with people in the group work rooms offered by the Library/CRAI

There are 7 work group rooms for groups of minimum 2 and maximum 10 people.

Prior reservation required through Affluences, via web or app. You can find more information at our guide "Reserva de espacios" (Book spaces).

Free access to computers available in the Media Library (1 & 2) and in the computer rooms. They can be reserved through Affluences.

Image of a training room offered by the Library/CRAI

Training sessions throughout the year.

Guides and tutorials on our website.

Books that are not in our catalogue can be ordered to loan CBUA or our interlibrary loan service; Interlibrary loan service can have additional costs. 


CBUA logo showing some books and the map of AndalusiaLogo of the interlibrary of the Library/CRAI

Ask for it at the info desk or email to

Image showing sockets located on the tables in the consultation room of the Library/CRAI

Wi-Fi network: eduroam.

Access key with your username and password.

Configuration at building 9, ground floor.

Image of the Newspaper and periodicals library of the Library/CRAI

Wide selection of periodical publications and scientific journals both in print and digital formats, the latter available via remote access.


Located in Media Library, the ‘Comicteca’ is the space that houses the collection of comics and graphic novels. You can enjoy more than 300 Spanish, European, American (USA), manga, etc. comic books.

Check available titles through Eureka or by joining our community on Whakoom


Eureka Logo



Eureka is our discovery tool. It allows you to access a wide range of resources simultaneously, by just doing a single search. It includes information from RIO, our institutional repository

Orange clock icon

Monday to Friday: 08:30 h - 21:00 h.

Check our current opening hours.

The library in figures

 Area: 14,957 m2

  Reading stations: 1,178

  More than 1,144,000 books (printed and electronic)

  More than 102,000 scientific journals (printed and electronic). 23,899 in open access

 Databases: 114

  Free access computers: 128

  Work group rooms: 7

Map of the library

Click on the image and swipe through it to discover what materials are available in the library and how they are laid out in the reading room. 

You can download this guide:

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Licencia Creative Commons
Biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.