To search Eureka, simply enter the query terms in the search box and press the "Enter" key or click on the "Magnifying Glass.
A simple search is based on the concept of a single search box, entering terms that act as keywords.
There are two possible search options, which pop up as a menu when you start typing the first search term. They can also be selected from the menu on the right-hand side of the box:
When you type the word or words you want to search for, the different search options are displayed. In addition to the auto-complete system, Eureka suggests relevant options for the terms you enter.
To access the advanced search form, you must click on "Advanced Search" next to the magnifying glass:
An advanced search allows you to:
Please note that...
Searches can be flexibly combined in the same or in different fields, using the operators AND or NOT.
You can specify how they appear (contains, is (exact), starts with) and use additional filters in terms of type of material, language, date, etc.
In the top menu in Eureka, there are several buttons that allow you to perform the following actions:
More specific searches can be performed in the basic search box as follows:
You can search for an exact phrase using quotation marks, if you want it to search for an exact segment of text:
You can combine different search terms using Boolean operators, which you must type in uppercase:
If you want to search for variants of the same word you can use wildcard characters: