Details about the document: here you can see more descriptive details about the document: summary, identifiers, subjects, etc.
Virtual Browse: this recreates virtually the bookshelf of the Library on which a physical document is deposited, following the strict order of its catalogue number.
Although it is only available for some electronic monographs, you can access their individual chapters and some book reviews about those monographs. You will find a link to the chapters and another one to the reviews in the description of the electronic title, as it is shown in this image. In order to access them, you only have to click on the corresponding link.
Citations network
The citations network shows you, in each search result, the publications (usually articles) it cites and in which it is cited.
It is important to note that it is a citations network only for the documents found in Eureka; it is not necessarily a complete list of citations, and it allows the user to browse through their results within Eureka. This information is represented by two icons:
If Eureka does not detect a citation for a result, no arrow appears
When you click on each of the links, you will see a list of documents that cite or have been cited by the document you searched for. With this feature, you can successively expand citation threads.