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Eureka (English version): Results page

Results page

After you perform a search, you will see a single list of results:

  • Sorted by relevance, so that the ones displayed first will be the ones that best match the query. This is the order that appears by default, but you can change it, sorted by date, author, or title.
  • With the number of results per page.
  • Each retrieved document is displayed with a brief descriptive summary.


  • Information on documents physically available in the Library, with their availability and/or location (catalogue number).
  • In the event that a document is not available at that time, you will get the message "Unavailable", in which case you can view the complete record of the document to make a reservation "Request". In the guide to Eureka: reservationsyou can find out how the reservations system works.
  • Electronic documents appear as “Available Online”.

Take note...!
If you click on the link in the document title, it gives you a
full view
of the document, with information about the catalogue number (or numbers) and existing copies, type of loan, availability status, possibility of making a reservation request, etc.. 


  • Information about citations and cited by in documents retrieved through the citation network. 

Once you have performed the search, you can refine the results by applying different types of filters (language, availability, author, etc.) that will appear with a blue check box. You can also select which filter values you wish to be removed from the results (red check box).



They become filters that refine our searches. The inclusion and exclusion of filters can reduce the number of results and increase the relevance of them.

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Licencia Creative Commons
Biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.